Things You Need To Know Regarding Speed Humps

These days, traffic has become a primary concern as one can witness more and more vehicles over the years. Also, in many critical areas, including near schools, playgrounds, and parking lots, aggressive driving has caused significant mishaps. It’s undeniable that speed bumps as a speed-reducing element are the only way to protect people from unwanted accidents.

speed humps
Speed Humps

Amazingly, these raised surfaces are made for encouraging safe driving. It not only controls the speed in heavy traffic areas, but it also reduces traffics. As many want to move fast and so want to avoid speed breakers if high in number. Keep reading this article further to know more detailed points regarding the speed-reducing device.

Speed Bumps: What you didn't get to learn

Indeed, we go through these regularly in our day-to-day life but below are some facts you didn't know regarding the bumps you find inroads.

1. Various Names

Undoubtedly, these speed-reducing elements are used all over the world and have particular names in each country. You’d be amazed to note that they’re called “Sleeping Policemen” in Britain and “Judder Bars" in New Zealand. Also, they're commonly called "lomos de burro" in Argentina, meaning donkey's back. People in India called them "Speed breakers", and in the Southern US, they're known as "road turtles".

2. Different materials could be used in their formation

You’ll find them made with either asphalt or concrete material as the durability of these materials are high. Indeed, you’ll see them in rubber, metal, or even in recycled plastic. Depending on the traffic and the use of the road use of materials can vary with the requirement. The choice of materials also depends on the kind of weather condition of a state or country.

3. Speed bumps and speed humps are different

Many have the wrong idea regarding both speed humps and bumps or even think them interchangeable. The speed-reducing bumps are usually seen and used in parking lots, private roads or driveways, but you won't find them on public roads as it might be dangerous for specific drivers who weren't aware of them. But, humps are found in public streets, especially near crosswalks. Indeed, humps are not placed on highways  as they might disrupt the path of the vehicles in an emergency or fast driven routes.

4. Purposes of Speed bumps in Street

No doubt, these are one of the best speed calming options in places where cars or pedestrians had to share space, including parking lots and driveways. This slows down the traffic for up to 2-10 mph, ensuring a particular time for the car or vehicle to pass or stop. Also, it can cause good damage to cars moving at a regular speed. The height of the bumps could be from two to four inches, but the travel distance is shorter in comparison to speed humps.

To maintain the speed reduction of a particular area, these are kept at regular intervals. It’s undeniable that no matter the speed,  they are most uncomfortable to go over so, you’ll often find them spaced judiciously. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that they are used in smaller geographical areas. But, both the speed hump and bump cause the same amount of discomfort to the drivers driving at a more than average speed. The speed reducing bumps are used where the traffic needs to control speed and maintain the safety of cars and the areas. .

Wrapping Up

Modern technologies and new strategies have made various types of speed bumps safer. Indeed, it encourages safe driving and has proven helpful over the years. You need to make sure you're at low speed while crossing a speed bump. I hope you'll find this article informative and exciting regarding speed bumps. Also, in some instances or traffic scenarios, speed bumps won't always prove to be perfect.